This page will go through the basic VBA concepts and operations.
Please click on any of the headings below to get a better understanding of why excel macros are such a powerful programming language despite its age. Most of the code can be copied over to your own excel VBE which is why I tend to use the apostrophe (') and a green colored text, which signifies commented code in your VBE editor as well.
Background about VBA.
What is VBA and how can I use it?
Object based structure
Accessing Ranges or Cells to write our data?
Create a VBA script
Here we will create your first VBA script.
Sub or Functions
Our two different ways to write scripts in VBA.
When to use which?
Message boxes
Displaying information on your screen.
Message box vs Immediate window.
Input boxes.
IF statements
What is an IF statement?
Examples with different IF statements.
What are loops?
Different types
How to leverage loops with IF statements?
String manipulation
How to modify strings.
Number manipulation
How to modify numbers.
Date manipulation
Use of dateformat.
Modify Dates.
Custom dateformats
Array manipulation
How to Modify Arrays.