How to work with IF statements in VBA?
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How to work with IF statements in VBA?

If Statements are logical alternatives that will execute something based on something. They

vba if statements

are very intuitive as you are already doing them everyday in your

life, it is just a matter of learning the syntax for them (code language for saying how to write them in VBA).

For example, should I get coffee? if yes, then add cream, if not, get tea with honey.

IF statements follows the following structure

If Logical statement Then    
   'Do something if the logical statement is true.
End If

Examples of more IF statements

Simple IF statement

Sub If_One()
'One If condition

If Range("A1") = "Please" Then
    MsgBox ("It was 'Please'!")
End If

End Sub
simple if statement

IF statement with two conditions

Sub If_Two()
'Two conditions
'Prints out Analyze instead of Please.
'as the first statement was incorrect. 

If Range("A2") = "Please" Then
    MsgBox ("It was 'Please'!")
ElseIf Range("A2") = "Analyze" Then
    MsgBox ("It was 'Analyze'!")
End If

End Sub
if statement with 2 conditions

IF statement with more conditions

Sub If_Mult()'Multiple conditions
'Colors cell with 'Please' as the first if statement was correct.
'since the first IF statement was correct the code is done, and does 
 not check the other IFs.

If Range("A1") = "Please" Then

    Range("A1").Interior.Color = RGB(150, 200, 180) 'colors green

ElseIf Range("A2") = "Analyze" Then

    Range("A2").Interior.Color = RGB(100, 100, 255) 'colors blue

ElseIf Range("A3") = "The" Then

    Range("A3").Interior.Color = RGB(250, 180, 180) 'colors salmon
End If
End Sub
multiple conditions if statement

IF statement with more conditions

Sub If_Mult_Blue()

'Multiple conditions
'Colors cell with 'Please' blue according to the second IF statement.

If Range("A1") = "Analyze" Then

    Range("A1").Interior.Color = RGB(150, 200, 180) 'colors green
    Range("A1").Interior.Color = RGB(100, 100, 255) 'colors blue
End If

End Sub
if statement with more if else elseif

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