Here we will go through a bit more advanced VBA, and this is really the part were we will start to get an understanding for how Visual Basic works and how we can manipulate the code to our satisfaction.

How to Lock and Unlock Worksheets and Cells in VBA?
Learn how to protect you worksheet and cells by locking and unlocking its properties. Protect your cells with a password.
How to do Matrix Multiplication in excel VBA?
Learn about matrix multiplication in vba. Great for speed with bigger data and working with matrices.
How to: "vba print pivot table to pdf"
Don't forget about your already powerful pivot tables!! Incorporate these into your excel vba. Refreshing, Clearing filters, locate.
How to sort an array, one or multiple columns in excel VBA?
Learn how to sort an array or matrix. Sort a single column or multiple column data with or without header in VBA quickly!!
How to create my own Custom Ribbon in excel?
Learn how to create your own custom excel tab that is running your own macros. Download Microsofts XML handler for creating your own ribbon.
How to use "excel vba autofilter exclude multiple values" and handle "multiple criteria"?
Learn how to use autofilter in VBA, turn on and off, searching top 5 or top 10 list and looping in a filtered list using SpecialCells.
How to exit a For or a While loop in VBA?
Learn how to avoid error handling syntaxes by using the 'Exit Do' or 'Exit For' loop syntaxes.
Print or save one or multiple sheets in VBA//.Pdf or .Xlsx//
Learn how to automatically print and save your excel sheets in .xlsx or .pdf with modifications in between.
How to handle syntax, runtime or display errors in VBA?
Walkthrough of the different VBA errors you will encounter and how to handle them. Syntax, Compile, runtime error.
How to create userforms in excel VBA?
Learn how to create userforms in excel vba and to use the toolbox and properties window.
How to create invoices in excel VBA?
Learn how to create custom invoices to your specification and moving data in between excelsheets.